Zaljubio sam se u fotografiju još kao dijete, prvi fotoaparat koji me fascinirao je bio od strica, neki stari SLR kojim bi ukućani fotografirali raznorazne obiteljske događaje. Tu i tamo bi uspio dobiti od tate njegov Beirette rangefinder fotoaparat. Ali tek dosta godina kasnije kupujem svoj prvi pravi fotoaparat, bio je to Olympus E-52o, a sa vremenom bi nadogradio ili fotoaparat i objektive. 2015. godine sam imao prekrenicu u svom hobiju, jedna od mojih fotografija je izabrana od strane National Geographica na njihovom zadatku Best of the World i ušla je u 15 najboljih. Od tada u suradnji sa NG urednicima moj stil fotografije se lagano mijenja, stječem dodatna znanja i unapređujem se kroz njihove zadatke. Krajem 2022. godine upisujem Majstorski ispit za fotografa i uspješno ga polažem u Obrtničkoj komori Zagreb.
I fell in love with photography when I was just a kid. My uncle had SLR camera and I was crazy about it, as I was just a kid then, my first camera was made from Lego. But after many years came my first serious camera, it was Olympus E-520 that I bought when I got the job. Slowly I started buying better lenses and cameras. In 2015. something changed, for better, it was a turning point in my photography. One of my photos was selected by National Geographic for their competition Best of the World for Nat Geo Traveller. At that point, from photographing all sort of things, from flowers, street photography to landscapes, my main focus was pointed to landscape, and I was getting much better at that. So, now I enjoy exploring beautiful destinations and capturing memories with my cameras.
At the end of 2022. I got masters degree in photography.
My rules:
1. Always photograph the things I love, never shoot for commercial gain alone.
2. Visit at least one or two new locations every year.
3. Always have camera with you (one on mobile phone included)
4. Enjoy every second of shooting.
5. Don't spend too much time editing photos